Customising Picklists & Opportunity Stages Type: #System Admin Training Learn how to modify existing picklist values by deleting ones you don’t want to use and adding new options. You’ll also learn how to add and delete Opportunity Stages to reflect your sales process. LENGTH IN MINUTES: 19:00
Customisation Overview Type: #System Admin Training What can a System Administrator customise within Workbooks? Watch this video for an overview of the things that are within a customer’s control without needing help from the Workbooks team. This video forms part of a series of...
Linking Records Through Import Type: #Importing Training Once you’re familiar with the basics of importing, you’re likely to need to understand slightly more advanced approaches. This video covers how to import Organisation records, then carry out an import to bring in People...
Planning Your Report Type: #Reporting Training Taking time to plan your Workbooks report will result in much better, more accurate reports and save you time in the long run. This tutorial looks at 6 key areas to think about before starting your report. LENGTH IN...
What Does A Report Consist Of? Type: #Reporting Training Learn about the structure of a Workbooks Report and the terminology that will help you build good quality accurate reports. Understand the difference between Details and Summary views and when you would use each one. LENGTH IN...
Creating A New Report Type: #Reporting Training Learn about the four ways you can start your Workbooks reports: Using templates; Copying an existing report; Using a pre-populated report; Blank reports. LENGTH IN MINUTES: 03:49
List Reports Type: #Reporting Training Learn about the fundamental building block of all Workbooks reports – a Details view. This tutorial covers how to add in new columns, apply criteria and covers how to start building a Sales Pipeline report as well as...
Summary Reports Type: #Reporting Training This tutorial guides you through adding Summary views to your Workbooks reports so that you can include sub-totals and groups. It also introduces the concept of split columns, enabling you to build matrix reports. LENGTH IN...
Joining Records Type: #Reporting Training Combining data from related record types enables you to leverage data from different parts of your database and build sophisticated reports. This tutorial covers joining record types together and things to bear in mind when doing...
Conditional Formatting Type: #Reporting Training Learn how to introduce colour and bring your Workbooks reports to life by including conditional formatting. LENGTH IN MINUTES: 11:03
Introducing Targets Type: #Reporting Training This tutorial covers how to add targets to your Workbooks reports, giving you great visibility of how your business and individual teams or people within it are progressing. LENGTH IN MINUTES: 13:17
Sharing Reports Type: #Reporting Training Once you’ve created great Workbooks reports, you’ll want to share them with other users. This tutorial covers how to share individual reports; sending reports and charts via scheduled email; and introduces adding charts and...