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On Thursday the 8th of September we launched our new website. Having a website which showcases our focus on customer success is something we’re very proud of.
As part of this process we were able to integrate our new website with our CRM product, this has driven so many benefits we decided to share exactly what we’ve integrated to enable our customers to drive the same benefit.
Cast your eyes to the top right of our website and you’ll see an orange login button. This is used by both Workbooks employees and our customers to log in.
This is integrated with our website CMS (Content Management System) and Workbooks CRM to identify if a user is an employee, a customer or a free user.
Having this knowledge allow’s us to customise our user experience in the following ways:
Our forum provides a way for all our customers to get answers to their questions, as well as a place where our support team can share advice on using Workbooks. We use this single sign-on to give customers the ability to post and reply to forum posts.
This stops our customers from having to log in to two separate places alongside physcially removing any option for SPAM bots to sign-up or reply to any posts (a common problem with forum management). This saves our support team time in only having to manage customer issues as well as identifying who the customer is, any other open support issues and providing the users contact details.
When a customer has a burning support issue, we point them to our support form where they can give us details on the issue.
We don’t want our customer service team to spend unnecessary time on admin so we use a Web-2-Case form to automatically pull all this information directly into Workbooks CRM. This then automatically links contact details enabling our team to quickly see prior raised issues & prior communication (including phone calls and emails) and even view other issues people in the same organisation are having.
The cases are tracked along with vital information such as resolution time and number of closed cases, both which are visually displayed on flat screen tvs within our headquarters – clearly indicating support issues as soon as they arise.
We offer a fully functioning 30-day free trial, to allow prospects to get a feel for Workbooks prior to making a purchase commitment.
Like our customer service team, our sales doesn’t want to be bogged down with admin.
So as a prospect signs up for our free trial a lead is automatically created within Workbooks stating the start date of their trial along with further information such as Country (pulled from IP address) and source (such as internet search engine, PPC etc – using a Hubspot/Workbooks integration).
Hubspot is a marketing automation platform that tells us where our visitors are coming from, who they are and even performs marketing automation functions.
Once a visitor fills in a form their IP address is noted through a Javascript snippet and cross-referenced against historical records to link up all visits the user has had prior to signing up (alongside continuing to link future visits).
We then have a Workbooks API integration and scheduled process which checks our leads against our Hubspot records pulling in vital information like – lead source, first visit, last visit and page’s visited, finally this information is then placed directly into Workbooks lead records enabling clear visibility for our sales team.
Later as the lead becomes an opportunity this same information is passed along enabling Marketing to spot which lead sources offer the best ROI and which should be scaled back.
Integrating your website with Workbooks can reduce admin work, decrease human error and even increase sales (through additionally gained intelligence and a faster Sales process).
We highly recommend you integrate your website with Workbooks to maximise the benefits your organisation can also see.
If there’s something you’d like us to set-up on your behalf, don’t hesititate to contact us about the support options we offer.